First stage of Prehistory characterized by: They were nomads so they travelled all the time in order to look for animals to hunt, fruits to recollect or rivers to fish. They were likely installed near to rivers to fish and drink water. They lived in caves or huts. Besides they lived in tribes. Their social abilities are: the language and the hunt in group. They fabricated their own tools specially made with stones, bones and ivory. They were used for hunting, fishing and sewing. They controlled the fire. For doing that, they hit two stones or turn a stick in the hollow of a wood. With this discovering they could warm up, illuminate their caves, cook and protect themselves from wild animals. They got dressed with animals´ skin. Regarding to art, we can highlight the cave painting made with their own hands, with brushes or with a hollow shaft in the walls of caves. In the Iberian Peninsula there are some of the most famous antique cave paintings like in the Altam...